Le-Xuan Luo (CYA-E-RYT 500 Member)

  • Location: Taichung, Other Taiwan
  • Website: www.lebest.com.tw
  • E-mail: leyoga.studio@gmail.com
  • Service Offered: Aerial Yoga series and more. 200 HR, 300 HR, 500 HR teacher training
  • Certified: N/A
  • Years of Practice: N/A
  • Teaching Experience: N/A
  • Professor, Guru or Teachers: N/A
  • Date Joined: September 25, 2023
  • CYA Insurance: No

About Me

Le-Xuan, Luo - Director of LE・Best Yoga school

Yoga has become my lifestyle. And my interest in and practice of yoga have lasted over many years. Hence, I find it crucial to start a school to spread my passion and to help more trainers along the way on this lifelong journey with me.

Summary of my teaching features include –
I have not only more than 20 years of experience in teaching Yoga but also more than 20 years of experience in dance teaching.
A pioneer in teaching Stick Yoga, Aerial Yoga, Darma Yoga wheel, Bungee Dance, and SUP Yoga in Taiwan.
I am a unified and cohesive yoga teacher which will prove to relax and bring positive vibes to students.
Specialize in Aerial series yoga and various type wherein I can teach any age group people. I’ve completed over 1000 hours of training, have been teaching Yoga for more than 4000 hours, and going.
Well-versed with the relaxation and breathing methodologies and their principles.

I am an E-RYT 200-certified yoga teacher and ERYT-500 -certified yoga teacher.
I also have a Master of Fine Arts degree, which shows my passion for Yoga and beyond. From the academy foundation to elaborate on the lifestyle of Yoga. I would like more students, and trainers to have more chances in learning and focusing on what they find interesting in growing and absorbing. Not only to practice asanas but also to appreciate the process of knowing more about Yoga and what it is like to become ones lifestyle. And despite experience, gender, and age, Le Best is welcoming whoever is interested in becoming a yoga trainer. Or simply just want to learn and practice Yoga.

【印樂 創辦人】
印樂系統 師資培訓 創辦人
首辦 牆舞 師資培訓 Vertical Wall Dance
首辦 展棍瑜珈 師資培訓 Stick Yoga
首辦 空中瑜珈 師資培訓 Aerial Yoga
首辦 瑜珈花輪 師資培訓 Yoga Wheel
首創 高空舞躍 師資培訓 Bungee Dance
首辦 水上瑜珈 Sup Yoga
美國瑜珈聯盟 500小時高級認證瑜珈老師
美國瑜珈聯盟 200小時認證瑜珈老師
印度瑜珈聯盟 200小時認證瑜珈老師
美國瑜珈聯盟 熱瑜珈認證老師
美國瑜珈聯盟 陰瑜伽認證老師
美國瑜珈聯盟 火箭瑜珈認證老師
美國瑜珈聯盟 孕婦瑜珈認證老師
美國瑜珈聯盟 瑜珈牆第一級認證老師
英國 Yoga Nidra 瑜珈休息術 師資培訓
加拿大 彼拉提斯(Pilates)認證老師
泰國 泰式瑜珈按摩認證老師
峇里島 西藏頌缽 聲音療癒師
美國 芳療協會NAHA認證初階芳療師證書
美國 Dharma Yoga Wheel 瑜珈輪認證老師
Animal Flow®(AF)動物流 第一級認證老師
印樂國際 200小時師資培訓主要老師
Facebook 粉絲專頁: 笛兒羅 Dear Lo

About My Service

200, 300, 500 hour certification
Continuing Education Program in Aerial Yoga, Aerial Hammock, Aerial Hoop, Aerial Silk, Aerial Kids Yoga, Kids Yoga, Bungee Dance Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Restorative Aerial Yoga, Wall Dance Yoga, Chair Yoga, Yoga Stick, Yoga Wheel

Continued Education
