For your reference, please read ideal teachers' Standards as per the International Yoga Federation please note that the CYA 'registers' training facilities only, we do not discriminate between programs

* = Required Field

* First Name:     
* Last Name:     
* Name of Training Facility:     
Phone Number:     
Address of Training Facility:     
* City:     
* Province/State:     
* Country:     
Postal Code:     
* E-Mail:     
Website Address:     
Hours of Program Study:     
Years in Operation:     
Style of Yoga:(eg; Ananda, Anusara, etc..)     
Type of Certificate Granted:     
Describe your School:     
Describe your Program Outline:

Include Summary Outline & Hours for each of the Following:

  1. Anatomy & Physiology
  2. Study of Asanas
  3. Study of Pranayama
  4. Study of Energy Systems
  5. Study of Energy Bodies
  6. Yoga Philosophy
  7. Teaching Methodology
  8. Other
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Select which Membership Designation you wish to register under:     
* Desired Username:     
* Desired Password:     
How did you hear about us?     

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