Submitted by The Flying Yogi on September 17, 2023@4:45:PM

Become certified in Suspension Yoga™ in just 7 Days!

If you're a yoga teacher, movement professional or aerial yoga enthusiast who is growing tired of the same old mat based practices yet KNOWS they want to help their clients feel better, get stronger and become more youthful, then get ready to flip your practice upside down and bring in a different style of yoga that will help you achieve optimal fitness results faster than any other modality ALL while having fun trying something new.

And there are many therapeutic benefits as well...
✓Relief from chronic back pain
✓Improved circulation and elimination
✓Deeper relaxation response and stress reduction
✓Better balance and motor control
✓Elevated moods and better sleep
✓Boosted immune function
✓Enhanced mental clarity and cognitive function


Instructors of the Suspension Yoga Method™ will become familiar with the basics of teaching Suspension Yoga™ and learn to instruct from a whole new perspective.

Experiencing gravity in a new way can be both liberating and, at times, a little scary. Emphasis is placed on the integration of proper form, support, stabilization, and safety throughout the duration of each exercise as well as effective spotting techniques for clients of varying abilities.

In addition, you will learn how to confidently coach students out of their comfort zone guiding them to the freedom and elation that exists on the other side which will keep them coming back for more.

With the YogiGym® Suspension Swing, clients at any level or age can learn to use gravity as their greatest tool. By implementing simple and customized strategies, you can teach students to: release muscular tension, relieve chronic back pain increase joint mobility, enhance core strength, improve coordination, and slow down the ageing process... all while having a great time!

Dates: Feb 3 - 11, 2024
Location: Mérida, Yucatan Mexico
Cost: Shared Room $1675 USD / Private Room $2075 USD (includes accommodations, meals, YogiGym, training manual)

REGISTER BY JAN 3rd, 2024 and receive 10% EBD
