Cheryl Minkoff (CYA-E-RYT GOLD Member)

  • Location: Cochrane, Alberta Canada
  • Website:
  • E-mail:
  • Service Offered: Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, Kids Yoga, Teen Yoga, Ayurveda, Nidra, Restorative
  • Certified: Do Something! Yoga! Ulu Yoga! Yoga Energy
  • Years of Practice: 18
  • Teaching Experience: 8 years
  • Professor, Guru or Teachers: Sylvie Boisclair, Ulu Yoga, Yoga Energy (Vie Binga and Tim Ganley)
  • Date Joined: August 05, 2015
  • CYA Insurance: No

About Me


About My Service

Hatha, Sivananda Yoga. Kids, Preteen, Teen Yoga, Ayurveda, Vinyasa, Nidra, Meditation, SUP Yoga, and Private Sessions in Person and Online

Continued Education
