Continued Education


December 19, 2011@3:31:PM

Structural yoga therapy, by Mukunda Stiles
Anatomy and asana, by Susi Hately
Preventing yoga injuries: by Susi Hately
The sacroiliac Joints, The shoulder girdle & The knees
The art of slowing down, by Susi Hately
Yoga for Arthritis, by Loren Fishman
Yoga for Osteoporosis, by Loren Fishman
Anatomy of Hatha Yoga, H. David Coulter
The new yoga for healthy aging, by Suza Francina
The woman's book of yoga and health, Linda Sparrowe
B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga, the path to holistic health
yoga for wellness, by Gary Kraftsow
30 essential yoga poses, by Judith Lasater
Relax and renew, by Judith Lasater
Yoga, mind, body and spirit, by Donna Farhi
The breathing book, by Donna Farhi
Kripaul Yoga, by, Richard Faulds
Yoga as Medicine, by Timothy McCall
Yoga anatomy, by, Leslie Kaminoff
Yoga Therapy, by, A.G. Mohan and Indra Mohan
Back care basics, Mary Pullig Schatz

