Continued Education

Align your Yoga, Align your life with Eoin Finn

November 07, 2018@1:21:PM

The principles & purpose of alignment so to help the body function at it's optimal level. Steadiness and Ease, Sthira & Sukha. Breaking down the arches. Understanding the pelvis. What D.U.O means. Dynamite unifying opposition. Finding the strongest line between two end points by integrating individual body parts together & pressing in opposite directions along that line. Tension - Integration. The balance of Yin & Yang forces for an effortless lift. Having poses that isolate the stretches and strengthen preciously where we need to strengthen. Create stable, well-functioning joints by dispensing the load on joints rather than concentrate it. Create better energy flow as a result of alignment and beneficial neuromuscular patterns for all activities of life.

