The Flying Yogi (CYA-RYS Gold Member)
- E-mail:
- Phone: 647-969-8152 / +52 999 356 1693
- Address: N/A
- Location: Toronto, Ontario Canada
- Website:
- Service Offered: Suspension Yoga / Hatha / Ashtanga Vinyasa, Restorative, Yin Yoga, Children's Yoga
- Type of Certification Granted: 200 RYT / Suspension Yoga™
- Years in Operation: 12
- Date Joined: July 24, 2014
School Info
The Flying Yogi, is the creator and world's authority on Suspension Yoga™, a hybrid methodology of aerial yoga that incorporates spinal therapy, resistence training and aerobatics with classical yoga.
The Flying Yogi offers online teacher training at the 200 Hour level that incorporates Suspension Yoga™ in the curriculum.
Students already certified in yoga, can upgrade their skill-set with a certification in the 50 Hr Suspension Yoga Teacher Training as a Continued Education Credit. This training is available both online or in person 2 time per year during the summer month in Toronto Canada and in the winter in Mérida Mexico
Currently, during the months from November through April, The Flying Yogi operates out of their new training facility in Mérida Mexico providing retreats and Suspension Yoga™ teacher training.
Course Outline
1.Suspension Yoga™ Basic Training - 50 Hours
Learn fundamental tools and accredited formulas needed to teach group suspension classes. Analysis of both grounded and aerial asanas with multi-dimensional variations and grading principles. Strong emphasis is placed on integration of proper form, support, stabilization, and safety throughout the duration of each exercise. Areas covered will include benefits of inversion therapy, using suspension equipment to advance and deepen asana practice, and how structure and properly cue a class.
2. Kids Suspension Yoga T.T. - 15 Hours
Learn to effectively communicate and teach the elements of Suspension Yoga™ to children ages 5 – 12 yrs.
3. Classic Yoga - 50 Hours
Asana analysis, development and demonstration of Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga, Yin, Restorative, Chair Yoga and Partner/Acro Yoga as well the Chakra System, Mudras and Sanskrit terminology.
4. Introduction to Ayurveda - 6 hours
5. Pranayama - 12 Hours
Exploring various styles and benefits of Pranayama techniques including bandhas.
6. Study of Anatomy -30 Hours.
Systems of the Body; Anatomical Alignment pertaining to Asanas; Bio-Mechanics;Benefits and Contraindications of Postures.
We will be utilizing the information contained in YOGA ANATOMY by Leslie Kaminoff as reference material.
7. Yoga Philosophy - 25 hours
a)Meditation, Mantra, Chants,
b)Yoga Mythology and Archetypes - Discovering and working with your own archetypes.
c)Tantra and Vedanta Philosophy - How this knowledge can lead to realizing the Self
d) Pantanjali Yoga Sutras
e) The Eight Limbs of Ashtanga
8. Reiki Master Level 1 Training - 6 Hours
Learn how to use this ancient Japanese technique for restoring health, reducing stress and aiding relaxation for yourself and your students
9. Teaching Methodology- 6hrs
Will include instruction in: Adjustment techniques & assisting.
Proper use of props Structuring a class & how to build a sequencing
Marketing & Promoting - strategies for achieving a spiritually rewarding and financially successful yoga business.
10. Practicum - 30 Hours
Suspension Yoga - 15 Hours
Observing & assisting in class setting and logged teaching practice
Asana Study - 15 Hours
Observing & Assisting in class setting and teaching practice
Other - 20 hours
Karma Yoga, Research, Journaling, Essay, Teaching Presentations, Self Practice, Written Exam
Reading Guidelines:
-The Heart of Yoga by Desikachar
-Anatomy of Yoga by Leslie Kaminoff
- Light on the Yoga Sutras by BKS Iyengar
- Ashtanga Yoga Practice Manual by David Swenson
Nekhat Ahmed (Class of 2017)
Denisse Almeida (Class of 2020)
Amanda Anaka (Class of 2017)
Lisa Beaupre-MacKinnon (Class of 2016)
Sandra Bernal (Class of 2019)
Jennifer Bukuroshi (Class of 2023)
Jessica Burke (Class of 2017)
Stephanie Cabrera (Class of 2016)
Feng Cao (Class of 2016)
Jamie Corpuz (Class of 2017)
Dominique Cosentino (Class of 2019)
Gabrielle Crooke (Class of 2020)
Jessica Domenichini (Class of 2021)
Sandra Dowek (Class of 2020)
Olya Glotka (Class of 2015)
Tracey Gosnay (Class of 2017)
Nikki-Monique Kurnath (Class of 2019)
Nathalie LaCroix (Class of 2021)
Polina Leibovskaia (Class of 2015)
Maritta Mansikka (Class of 2015)
Inna Miretski (Class of 2015)
Shawna Mitchell (Class of 2023)
Angelica Morjaria (Class of 2019)
Mariana O'Connor (Class of 2019)
Lindsey Omelon (Class of 2019)
Christina Ostroski (Class of 2019)
Simonee Patel (Class of 2019)
Christina Patterson (Class of 2017)
Natalie Pitton (Class of 2015)
Shanjitha Rajasingam (Class of 2019)
Shanjitha Rajasingam (Class of 2019)
Nancy Rak-Swales (Class of 2019)
Christine Rask (Class of 2020)
Yvonne Reindel (Class of 2018)
Jenna Richards (Class of 2017)
Andrew William (Will) Richards (Class of 2016)
Michelle Righetti Righetti (Class of 2018)
Houdaradi Skalli (Class of 2018)
Allyx Smith (Class of 2020)
Gay Smylie (Class of 2023)
Nicole Snodgrass (Class of 2018)
Asuka Tosaya (Class of 2019)
Tatiana Vanina (Class of 2015)
Patricia Watson (Class of 2020)
Kim Zaharia (Class of 2016)