Savithri Venkatesan (CYA-E-RYT 550 Member)
- Location: Mississsauga, Ontario Canada
- Website: N/A
- E-mail:
- Service Offered: Hatha Yoga, Sage Patanjali traditional Ashtanga Yoga
- Certified: Tamil Nadu Physical Education & Sports University
- Years of Practice: 9
- Teaching Experience: 2.5
- Professor, Guru or Teachers: Learned and practiced under the guidance of renowned teachers of Asana Andiappan School, Chennai, India. Practised various other styles such as Sivananda Yoga and Vedathri Maharishi.
- Date Joined: November 27, 2018
- CYA Insurance: No
About Me
Held free and paid Yoga Classes for various groups including Kids. Traveled to sub-urban villages in Tamil Nadu, India and educated village communities about Healthy living and Yoga. Volunteered at Naturopathy clinics to understand about natural food, lifestyle and yoga. Experienced in healing common sprains and aches, strengthening the core muscles, postures and stress relief asanas.
About My Service
Hatha Yoga, gentle yoga for stress relief and relaxation
Continued Education