Katie Kennedy (CYA-E-RYT 200 Member)
- Location: Comox, British Columbia Canada
- Website: N/A
- E-mail: katietlc@gmail.com
- Service Offered: Vinyasa Flow Yoga, Yin Yoga
- Certified: Julia McCabe
- Years of Practice: 10
- Teaching Experience: 7
- Professor, Guru or Teachers: Julia McCabe, Maureen Rae, Sean Corn, Natalie Rousseau, Nicola Mosley
- Date Joined: December 30, 2014
- CYA Insurance: No
About Me
I grew up in the beautiful Comox Valley. I am probably very much like you, just doing my best to be a good mother, partner, sister, daughter, vegetarian, trail runner and yoga teacher, and some days doing a better than others. I currently work as a fitnes instructor at Canadian Forces Base and have a diplomia in Fitness and Nutrition and CSEP - CPT. I teach a wide variety of classes, fitness test and personal train. My favorite class to teach is yoga! My yoga journey started bout 10 years ago when I was in physical pain from too much running and teaching fitness classes. As I went to yoga and started to understand why I was in pain - from muscles and connective tissue being too tight, I started to notice a difference in my flexibility and how my back felt. I started to breathe fully and noticed a positive shift in my stress levels and conscience. Insted of reacting to stressful moments I was able to breathe and respond. I was sleeping better and enjoying life more. I began to dwell less in the past, not worry so much about the future as yoga was teaching me how to enjoy being in this very special moment. This got me excitied and I wanted to learn more about yoga. I did my first teacher training program in 2007 with Maureen Rae who helped me to find my voice as a yoga teacher. I then did my RYT200 with Julia McCabe in June 2014 who helped me to develop my skills at teaching vinyasa flow, how to give gentle physical adjustments and gain the ability to teach pranayama breath, mantras and gently weave yoga history and philosophy teachings in to classes in a way that people can understand it both on and off the mat. Yoga has helped me throught all sorts of different things in my life and has helped me to live with compassion, feel grounded and release positive energy back into the world.
About My Service
Vinyasa Flow and Yin Yoga classes
Continued Education
- Diploma of Psychiatric Nursing (October 12, 2023@2:36:PM)
- Hands on Adjustments Intensive (September 27, 2022@6:27:PM)
- Trauma Center - Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) (October 15, 2018@1:10:PM)
- Advanced Training Post Natal (October 15, 2018@1:07:PM)