Kula Yoga Okotoks (CYA-RYS 200 Member)
- E-mail: kulayogaokotoks@gmail.com
- Phone: 4034810391
- Address: 51 Ranchers Crescent
- Location: Okotoks, Alberta Canada
- Website: www.kulayogaokotoks.com/yoga-teacher-training
- Service Offered: Vinyasa Flow, Hatha, Gentle
- Type of Certification Granted: CYA - RYT 200
- Years in Operation: N/A
- Date Joined: June 30, 2022
School Info
Kula Yoga Okotoks is proud to present EVOLVE 200 Hour Transformational Yoga Teacher training launching in August 2022 and you don't want to miss this!
LIVE in person instuction will be held indoor and outdoors (to enjoy the summer weather when appropriate) at our beautiful BRAND NEW zen boutique yoga studio in Okotoks, Alberta
With a limit of 8 particpants, this training will maximize connection, heart felt support and offer an enhanced personal yoga training experience with more one on one time with our Lead Trainer, Jenni Chinski E-RYT 500, YACEP
Do you feel lit up by the "magic" that yoga offers and have been thinking about sharing this practice with others?
Are you curious to learn more about mindfulness, meditation and all parts of yoga related to mind body wellness?
Perhaps you feel a pull to dive deeper into the philosopy and yoga as a way of life.
If you are committed to the personal development work in order to share and live from a place of authenticity and an open heart.... then this training may be for you.
Course Outline
Anatomy & Physiology - 30 Hours - Introduction to the Human Body for a greater understanding of anatomy and physiology in relation to leading a safe and effective yoga class for all. Areas studies will include all degrees of Movement, Muscles, Skeletal system, Nervous System, Lymphatic system, Cardiovascular system, Respiratory system, Digestive system & Immunity.
Study of Asanas - 50 hours Working through each pose to discuss english and sanskrit name, historical context, anatomical and alignment principles, modifications, benefits and contraindications for the following: Opening Postures, Sun Salutation A, Sun Salutation B, Standing Postures, Balancing Postures, Arm Balances, Back Bends,Twists, Forward Folds, Hip Openers, Inversions, Savasana
Study of Pranayama - 5 Hours The modern science of breathing as it relates to yoga and mindfulness, teaching breath work, exploring various pranayama practices including ujjayi breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, Nadi Shodana, Shitali Pranayama, Kapalabhati and more.
Study of Energy Systems -15 Hours Exploring the 7 major chakras including Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown, Introduction to sequencing around Chakras and Chakra meditations. Mudras- introduction to Mudras and how they can be integrated into yoga teaching, including Dhani mudra, Gyan Mudra, Bhumisparsha, Vitarka, Dharmachakra, Anajali Mudra Bandahs - Mula Bandah, Uddiyana Bandha, Jalandhara
Study of Energy Bodies - 5 Hours The physical, energetic, emotional, mental and subtle body, Koshas, Meridians and Nadis
Yoga Philosophy - 15 Hours Study based of Krishnamacharya text Modern Hatha study, History of yoga 20th -21st century, historical figures of yoga, Indira Devi, TKV Desikachar, Pattabahi Jois, BKS Iyengar,Ancient Texts - The Vedas, The Upanishads, The Bhagavad Gita.The 8 Limbs of yoga exploring - Yamas (Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Bramacharya, Aparigraha), Niyamas(Soucha, Santosa, Tapas, Svadyaya, Ishvarapranidana), Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi
Teaching Methodology - 15 Hours Setting the space, Specialized Teaching considerations, Languaging, Quing, sequencing and pace.
Yoga Ethics & Business: 10 Hours Yoga Teaching Ethics, Scope of practise. Professionalism, Yoga as a business, getting started, Yoga alliances, insurance, marketing, social media, liability waivers, invoicing and continuing education.
Personal Development: 15 Hours Yoga & Emotions,awakening, how to hold integrated space, self inquiry/excavation work, exploring egos, journaling and assignments with the intention of releasing limiting beliefs
as well as personal development and growth.
Personal Practice- 25 Hours Embodied Practise and critical observation.
Practicum: 15 Hours Starting with individual poses, then small sequences leading to a full practice.