GAMA Pilates & Yoga Center (CYA-RYS Gold Member)

  • E-mail:
  • Phone: 705-250-0917
  • Address: 78 Victoria Street West
  • Location: Alliston, Ontario Canada
  • Website:
  • Service Offered: Hatha, Baptiste Vinyasa
  • Type of Certification Granted: RYSGOLD
  • Years in Operation: 5
  • Date Joined: June 11, 2017

School Info

The mission of GAMA Pilates & Yoga Center is to spread awareness of chronic pain syndromes. We provide a space to learn pain management strategies using music and movement in order to feel better, to live fully and joyfully, even when pain is a constant.
Our Credo : Generate Alternatives to Manifest Ability…GAMA !!

Course Outline

1) Anatomy & Physiology
Read “Eastern Body, Western Mind,” Judith Anodea
Compose a 3-5 page paper on the chakra energy system
Discuss chakras and listen to guest speakers, films about the chakras and how they impact the body and health
Anatomy of Yoga, Clip 1 by Paul Grilley – videos/discussion * The Bare Bones* Proportion * The Femur * The Pelvis * Functional analysis of shoulder stand * Compression vs. Tension (Ekhart yoga)
Anatomy terminology, yoga therapy balls, text discussion and group work
Prepare and present plays with group members to the whole
30 Hrs.
2) Study of Asanas:
Memorize the JIP flow – write it, say it out loud, 90,75,60min
Practice teaching of the asana within the sequences of the flow
Practice teaching of the asana within the sequences of the flow – post work
Learn how to deconstruct and instruct each pose, benefits, modifications for different populations, contra-indications, energetic, physical , spiritual dynamics ** Implications for different populations in pain and how to modify
* Preparatory poses *
Seated postures, Awakening, Structure of a class, Opening Closing postures, Padmasana, Virasana
Sun Salutations, Suyra Namaskar A and B, (both Classical Hatha and Vinyasa options with Chaturranga) ex adho muhkva svanasana
Warrior Series (+ Standing twists) , basisthasana
Balancing Series ex. Vrksasana, Garudasana, Dekasana, Ardha Chandrasana
Triangle Series ex. trikonasana, parsvottanasana, Parivrtta trikonasana, dandanamaya dhanurasana, aturajasana
Prone Poses, ex. Viparita karani, salabhasana
Supine Poses ex. Supta Virasana, Savasana
Backbends ex. Chatush Padasana, Setu bandha sarvangasana,
Hip Openers ex. Kapotasana, Parsva Balasana, mandukasana
Rejuvenation – ex. Salamba Sarvangasana, halasana, karnapidasana
Inversions, ex. Adho mukha vrksanasana, sirsasana, salamba sirsansana,
Implications and Application of the Elements/Archetypes as a practitioner and as a teacher of yoga
Read “Journey into Power - Baptiste
Read “40 Days to Personal Revolution” –Journal answers to inquiry questions
Application of the Practice: Principles or Transformation, meditation, asana, pranayama, chanting
Bonus poses : svarga dvijasana, camatkarasana, bakasana

*Hours: 100

3) Study of Pranayama: Students will practice and learn to instruct Ujayii breathing, Alternate Nostril breathing, kapalabati breathing, the study of the thoracic cavity and how to lead people in creating their full use of the lungs. Students will read and study the Book "The Science of Breath" and refer to Desikachar's The Heart of Yoga." Attention will be on how breath is the fundamental movement of the body and the foundation of the vital force, and out connection to this plane of existence in the physical body as well as to the rhythm of life that connect all as one. Attention to breath and how it affects the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems as it relates to trauma and pain, vs. calm states of meditation will be examined in detail.

5 Hours

5) Study of the Energy Systems:
Students will learn to identify the location of the chakras as they relate to the physical and mental body as well the physical form manifested with the energy of the chakras. Different energy pathways, called marmas, channels, meridians, nadis will be discussed as well as their applications to the health of the body and how yoga teachers can guide others in maintaining healthy energy flow through yoga asana, meditation, massage...we will examine how to raise the vibration of the entire vital force in the physical body by meditating, chanting, asana and service.

*5 hours.

5) Study of the Energy Bodies: Students will identify the 5 koshas and learn how to become aware of the layers of energy we have in our systems. We will discuss how the energy bodies reflect the state of health and how they can be intuited and/or felt. Students will have the opportunity to learn to sense the bodies and how to ease the flow of the energy and release dis-ease by leading people though yoga and meditation/breath practice.

*5 hours

6) Yoga Philosophy: A study of Fuerstein's History of Yoga will be read and questions after each Chapter will be a key part of the questions and group discussions that inspire current practice and our understanding of yoga as a greater way of life and journey to wholeness. The study of Sanskrit nomenclature for asanas will be presented to help students gain a context for the names and how they can be used to gain a historical perspective of an ancient practice. Examining how the eight limbs of yoga are impactful in daily life and personal commitments/areas of weakness and resistance will be examined as part of a personal transformation to consciousness unfolds.

*50 hours.

7)Teaching Methodology:
Principles of teaching; Asana, Dhyana, Niyama
Cueing technique, leadership (voice, inflection, way of being), point to point, breath, elements of the posture, directional
Themes of Showing up as a leader and as a practitioner; Intentions of teaching, leading, assisting in a group, special population and individual sessions
Characteristics of leadership, archetypes of leadership
Overview: teaching to special populations: Trauma, pain sensitive yoga, Seniors, Chair Yoga
Overview: Teaching to special Populations: Individual, Private, Therapeutic, Athletic Coaching, health & Wellness
Overview: Teaching special Populations: Kids, Teens, Moms/Prenatal

*30 Hours

8) Practicum: Students will be involved in co-teaching and teaching at the studio under supervision of Faculty. Peer and self evaluation as well as feedback opportunities for participants will be encouraged as areas of growth for goal setting and adapting voice modulation and volume, as well as delivery of instruction.


